What We Do
Our work is driven by the vision of making credit work for all Australians.
We work with our Members and key stakeholders in a respectful, knowledgeable and collaborative way to understand and improve credit in Australia. We aim to make credit visible, accessible and understood.
Our 5 key drivers for success are:
Driving value and engagement for existing and new Members and signatories.
Drive value, engagement & awareness for existing Members, and ensure PRDE signatories’ engagement aligns and supports requirements.
Arca holds a number of Member-only and industry events through the year, providing opportunities for industry to network and learn about industry developments and practices. The Arca Credit Summit has been running annually since 2012, and each year is attended by more than 500 industry professionals from Australia and New Zealand.
Connecting and collaborating with stakeholders to increase awareness and engagement.
Connect, engage and collaborate with stakeholders to support Arca’s work.
Supporting Members and consumers by providing consistent, trusted education resources.
Provide a consistent, trusted industry voice on credit reporting topics to support Members and consumers.
With support from our Members, our CreditSmart® consumer education program supports consumers to take ownership of their credit information and their credit health more broadly.
Developing, maintaining & strengthening the rules framework & data system.
Continue to develop, maintain and strengthen the rules framework, data system management and sharing ecosystem underpinning the credit reporting system.
Identifying and progressing policy initiatives and improvements.
Identify and progress work on policy problems where advocacy, and Arca involvement in any change, can lead to better outcomes for the credit system as a whole.